Friends of Evanston Farmers Markets, Inc. 501(c)(3)

Website Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) clarifies how Friends of Evanston Farmers Markets (“Friends”) uses and protects data provided by visitors to the website.

No User Data is Collected

Friends does not collect user data. The website exists to provide information about the organization, its mission, and events.

  • This website does not allow user comments.
  • This website does not collect information about your online behavior or how you access the website.
  • This website does not use cookies.
  • If you sign up for the newsletter, your name and email address are sent to  Constant Contact to be added to the Friends’ mailing list. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

Links to Other Websites

There are links to other websites throughout the Friends website. The Friends Privacy Policy agreement does not transfer to these other websites. If you click on these links, Friends shall not be held responsible for any data and privacy protection. Make sure to read the Privacy Policy at any website you visit.

Friends reserves the right to make changes to this policy. Please visit this page periodically for any changes.


If you choose to make an online donation to Friends via the Just 25 hyperlinked logo, you will be taken to the website for PayPal, which has its own Privacy Policy. The Friends Privacy Policy agreement does not transfer to the PayPal website. Make sure to read the PayPay Privacy Policy if you are concerned.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact FEFM at this email: