Marco Bahena made a Raw Zucchini Salad for Everyone. Here’s the recipe.

Chef Marco Bahena was our guest for the market season’s third Chef Demo, and he hit the sweet spot in every regard. His raw zucchini salad was sourced from super-fresh market produce, and the recipe itself is easy as breathing! Here it is:

Marco Bahena’s
Raw Zucchini Salad


  • 1 ea.      Lake Breeze Golden bar Squash*
  • 1 ea.      Lake Breeze striped zucchini*
  • 2 tbsp    Lemon vinaigrette
  • 2 tbsp    Chili mayo
  • 1 pinch   Parmesan
  • 1 pinch   Chives

*These are specific products from one of our vendors, but you can substitute other flavorful summer squash/zucchini.


  1. Slice the zucchini and squash paper thin on a mandoline.
  2. In a medium bowl add the chili mayo and lemon vinaigrette and evenly toss.
  3. Set in a serving bowl and finish by topping with Parmesan and chives.

(Chef did not include a recipe for the vinaigrette. Here’s perhaps the simplest of the millions online: It’s basically 2/3 of a cup of great olive oil combined with 1/3 of a cup of fresh lemon juice. Whisk to combine (or shake it up in a jar) and season to taste with salt and black pepper.

The chili mayo also lacks a recipe. There’s such a range of recipes varying in heat and other secondary flavors that we won’t choose for you. The first page of a web search for “Chili Mayo recipe” is sure to include one that suits your fancy.